Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the ancient Roman god of War, and an active and passionate influencer.♈️ ARIES TRAITS ♈️♈️ ARIES ZODIAC ♈️A COMPLETE GUIDEI'D LIKE TO NOTE THAT THEY HAVE THIS WRONG. I'M AN ARIES, BUT I WAS BORN ON 20 APRIL. I WAS BORN ON THE CUSP. ♈️INTERESTING PERSONALITY TRAITS OF ARIES ♈️♈️ ARIES MAN TRAITS ♈️♈️ ARIES - 20 APRIL ♈️What is the Aries Birthstone?Aries is the eldest child in the zodiac family and therefore sets the pace for the rest of the world. Those who are born under the house of Aries are highly driven leaders, not followers, so you’d expect them to have some wonderful birthstones associated with them, and you’d be right. Like all zodiac signs, Aries spans two months. The bloodstone serves as the Aries birthstone for those born in March, with the diamond for those with birthdays in April. ♈️ What does Aries mean spiritually? ♈️Aries represents the singular spirit (while Aries's opposite sign, Libra, symbolizes partnership). These rams adhere to an “every person for themselves” philosophy. While this self-determination can be inspiring, Aries needs to watch out for selfish tendencies. ♈️ What powers do Aries have? ♈️♈️What is the myth of Aries? ♈️The myth behind Aries is based on a golden ram of Greek mythology. Legend states that Aries, identified with a golden ram, rescued Phrixus and took him to Colchis where he sacrificed the ram to appease the Gods. Later, Phrixus, in the face of death was saved by a golden ram with wings which flew him to safety. ♈️ What energy is Aries? ♈️
♈️ Why is Aries so special? ♈️
♈️ Aries ♈️ ♈️ Aries Power Stone - Red Jasper ♈️ ♈️ Crystals for Aries ♈️ ♈️What is the Aries Birthstone? ♈️ Aries is the eldest child in the zodiac family and therefore sets the pace for the rest of the world. Those who are born under the house of Aries are highly-driven leaders, not followers, so you’d expect them to have some wonderful birthstones associated with them, and you’d be right. Like all zodiac signs, Aries spans two months. The bloodstone serves as the Aries birthstone for those born in March, with the diamond for those with birthdays in April. Aries Birthstone: Bloodstone
The Bloodstone was worn by warriors in antiquity to not only enhance their strength but also protect them. It bestows this protective effect on an Aries by stripping negative energy from their chakra. If worn around the ankles, it can offer rooting properties and relief from health issues that relate to the root or sacral chakra. Also known as “Heliotrope”, this crystal is a blood cleanser and is said to heighten intuition and perception. It pairs well with an Aries with sensitive, creative, and temperamental tendencies. Aries Birthstone: Diamond
Like the bloodstone, diamond was traditionally worn to encourage victory in battle. It’s the zenith of white light, combining all seven rays into one breathtaking union. Although Aries stones are traditionally red, their varied natures are reflected by crystals of other colours. The fact that the often-translucent diamond is their best friend therefore feels very fitting. The diamond represents truth and vision, bringing an extra layer of mental clarity and focus to an Aries. It’s a potent guide on the path to self-realisation and spiritual enlightenment. What Crystals Are Good for Aries?A gentle water stone that can help to clear the mind of an excitable Aries, aquamarine helps to ground hot tempers and encourage peaceful relationships. It also adds a little flexibility to an Aries who is seeking to flow with life’s tides. It’s associated with March as a standalone stone, and pairs very well with diamond for zen-like positivity, and bloodstone for stress-relief. Black Onyx
Red Jasper
Clear Quartz
Rose Quartz
Which Crystals Should Aries Avoid?As always, some crystals are more suitable than others. Sometimes, their unsuitability may be linked to their relationship with Aries energies or the rulership of Mars. At other times, it may stem from the other crystals that we’re already recommending. With both of those categories in mind, we’re including the below as crystals for an Aries to avoid. Amethyst
Blue Lace Agate
What crystal should Aries wear?CRYSTAL: CITRINECitrine is a macrocrystalline form of quartz, as are amethyst, aventurine and rose quartz. It is a mineral based on silicon dioxide. Gem-quality transparent specimens of citrine with good color are very rare.♈️What is the perfect career for Aries? ♈️Professions ruled by Mars are engineering, police force, or defense and military services. You can also do well as doctors, chemists, carpenters, boxers, wrestlers, surgeons, mechanics, athletes and Sportsperson, fire-fighters, adventure travelers, and sporting goods dealers. ♈️ What talents do Aries have? ♈️Aries are well-known for their remarkable leadership skills and headstrong personality. Being ruled by Mars, this fire sign can beat you up in any sports or physical activity. Their hidden talent includes dancing and any physical prowess. ♈️What is an Aries personality at work? ♈️Ruled by Mars, Aries is ambitious with high-energy levels and a drive to succeed. They like to be in motion—taking care of business and doing it fast. An Aries can thrive in a work environment that requires lots of pivoting and impromptu initiatives. ♈️ Are Aries good with money? ♈️Aries usually won't pay a lot of attention to saving money, but they won't spend more than they have. This means, they are good with money, and they will set up savings for their education, family, even retirement. They love to save their hard-earned money and spend it on things that are important for them. ♈️What is Aries hobby? ♈️Aries are constantly fiery and energetic. Their interests include sports and computer games. Aries are eager, dynamic, and vigorous. They're certain to love lively music or motorbike riding and love watching the most recent programmes. ♈️ What do Aries dislikes?♈️
♈️ What type of student is Aries? ♈️Goal-oriented and ambitious go-getters, Aries have a natural affinity for learning. However, it is still the baby of the zodiac, which means their attention spans aren't the best. The absence of passion will lead to a lack of motivation, so subjects that they are not interested in will not be given the time of day. ♈️Are Aries healthy? ♈️The natives have great energy, contagious enthusiasm, strength, and stamina. Your health issues are mainly due to overstress of work, squeezing yourself in course of accomplishing goals, angry impatience, and frustration. The natives are usually vigorous and possess a strong and tough constitution. ♈️ What gifts do Aries have? ♈️He says that self-care items like meditation tools, weighted blankets and spa treatments make great gifts for an Aries (we usually think of soothing gifts as being for those sensitive water signs!). We like this fiery red body scrub for its nod to the Aries nature. ♈️ What is Aries favorite subject? ♈️ ♈️What smells do Aries like? ♈️♈️ What is Aries money? ♈️ They aren't too focused on their financial future. In fact, living for the moment is the true Aries philosophy. Money is rarely scarce because they love working, but it can be spent almost as quickly as it comes in. ♈️ What do Aries like most? ♈️ Aries are attracted to people who can keep up with them. For Aries, emotions are fleeting and they like being around people who embrace that. They are drawn to physicality, directness, and warmth. ♈️ What moods do Aries have? ♈️ Being ruled by Mars, the Planet of Action, Aries is full of energy, and if they don't find a great outlet for it, they can become restless, angry or impulsive. Fortunately, when Aries does get angry (they have a short temper), they aren't known for holding a grudge like some of the other zodiac signs. ♈️Are Aries go in bed? ♈️They love having sex a lot. They are fun and free, and they do it a lot and the same is expected from the partner. ♈️ What is Aries anger? ♈️ Aries' temper can shoot up in a second and they will get crazy mad at you if you say or do anything, however minute that may be, to their dislike. They are very passionate and so are all the emotions they feel. However, the good part about an Aries' anger is that it cools down as soon as it shoots up. ♈️ ARIES & LOVE ♈️♈️ Aries Love Compatibility ♈️
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