1. What is the most important lesson you learned this year?That people can literally just walk out of your life no matter what, like you meant nothing to them. Even if they love you, they can drop you like a hat, they can just walk away like everything you had together meant nothing at all and that you meant nothing to them. 2. What is the best thing that happened?
3. What challenges did you overcome?I overcame a broken heart after being cheated on in a 4 year relationship, and I learned to let go eventually and move on with my life instead of sulking in my misery and lonliness. I realized life wasn't going to end there, not for me. 4. What new skills did you learn?I learned how to tie a tie. I learned how to do some crafts. I learned how to paint. I learned how to cook because I had to cook for myself and couldn't just order Door Dash. I learned a lot this year because of the Corona Virus. I took online classes also. I am sure I learned other things but can't think of them right off hand. 5. What did you do for your career growth?I had my textbook downloaded and the materials I needed to learn. So I studied in my textbook and still studying so I can obtain the information and hold the information in my brain and remember it. I'm going to school to be a Private Investigator. I quit my job at Speedway because I felt I was getting no where with that job at all. 6. What did you enjoy most?![]() Living in Cincinnati and every time I got to go see Lori in Cincinnati. I can't wait to go back. Sitting up at 2am 3am watching murder with Lori and watching her do crafts and me do my Rise and Grind thing. Spending time with her and going on a road trip to Kentucky and Indiana. 7. What was your favorite moment?Getting to Cincinnati and finally getting to meet Lori for the first time ever. And going back to Cincinnati every time after that. 8. How did you have fun?Going to Cincinnati was fun. Being by myself with no drama just in peace and quiet has been fun. Going shopping has been fun. My Birthday was a lot of fun because Lori baked me a Rainbow Cake that she made herself and it was so freaking awesome. 9. What new habits did you start?Well, this first one isn't a new habit but...I smoke and since I quit my job I went from smoking a pack and a half a day to 2 packs a day. I started journaling every day and making sure to watch the #RISEANDGRIND Live morning show every day. I would get up between 3:30am and 5:00am to start my day. I would wake up in the middle of the night but eventually go back to sleep. My sleep was broken a lot this year, as I didn't sleep as good as I could have. I actually started cooking at home, because when I quit my job I didn't have the money to order Door Dash anymore so I had to start cooking for myself. 10. What are you the most proud of this year?That I came into a Spiritual Awakening and let the light take over the dark side of me. I may have lost a few friends during my Spiritual Awakening but I lost all negativity and only brought positivity into my life and my life is better being more Spiritually awoken. That my main goal which was to get my teeth pulled and get dentures, it got accomplished because I had all my teeth pulled and got dentures. 11. What did you learn about yourself?That I have what it takes to succeed but I just need to put forth the effort and time and have the discipline to do so. And that I need to work harder at achieving my goals and my dreams because I will not be handed that I must work to do it myself, for myself. 12. How did you live by your core values?I follow the Army's Core Values ever since I was in the Military and I follow them hard. I lived by them by doing what is right, by doing what is and was needed. 13. How did your relationships (family, friends, work) evolve?I made a lot of good friends however, there were situations I needed to take myself out of such as work so I quit my job. I don't like being around chaos and drama because that is not who I am and that is not what I want to be a part of. Yes, I have been jobless for 3 months but during these 3 months it has helped me go through a Spiritual Awakening. Which has lead me to losing friends because they are just not evolving like I am and seeing the big picture like I do but that's okay because not every person in your life should be a part of the next chapter. 14. What was the best decision you took? I think I would have to say that the best decision I took was quitting my job and getting away from the drama and negativity that was becoming of that place. Just that one location that is, I couldn't and didn't want to be a part of that so I took myself out of the equation. Also, to get my teeth pulled and get dentures. And also to see a Sleep Specialist which I have now been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and I sleep better with my CPAP Machine. 15. How did you fail?I quit my job without having another one lined up which has led me to be jobless for 3 months and be broke for 3 months. Thanks to my mother and father who have helped me these last 3 months though. 16. What got in the way of your success?As far as being successful in my Avon Business, the fact that I quit my job and no longer had money to support my Avon Business is what got in the way of my success. Because it takes money to make money, at least in my line of business it does. 17. What would you do differently if you could?I would still be working at Speedway, or have another job that I was working at. I regret quitting my job at Speedway without having another job lined up. 18. How are you different than a year ago? I am more Spiritual, I read the Bible, I meditate, I do breath work. I am just a more spiritual person that I used to be and I don't worship the devil anymore because I have found a higher power and found a purpose for my life and maybe a calling so to speak. I have changed for the better because I lost Lori because of my stupidity and ignorance so I changed who I was for the better but we're still not together anymore but we are still friends, yes she came back into my life. 19. What did you do for your physical and mental health?Honestly, and I will be totally honest....Nothing. I mean this year has been a freaking rollarcoaster of emotions and sadness and heartbreak for me. It has been absolutely crazy. I should have exercised more, I don't eat when I'm bored anymore however I should have exercised more and made better meal plans. 20. Who or what had the biggest impact on your life this year?Lori definitely had the biggest impact on my life this year for sure. In more ways than one that is. I fell in love with her, and she broke my heart or maybe I broke my own heart because we aren't together anymore. But at least we're still friends and I am so glad I got to meet someone like her. Because honestly, there is NO ONE, NOWHERE that will ever be like her. She is one of a kind and just so amazing even if she doesn't see it. 21. What did you let go of?Feelings that I once had, I had to let go of them. Not because I wanted to but for the sake of my sanity I had to. 22.What were the most useful resources you had?My lanterns because the damn power went out a couple times. Next time I know how to build a fire and even though I have a fireplace that doesnt work, I can use it to build a heating source. 23. What are you thankful for this year?That Lori came back into my life. 24. What did you leave unfinished?I cannot think of one thing I left unfinished. I don't like leaving things unfinished. I am ADHD but I must complete everything I do. 25. What was the best compliment you received?That I'm a good person and that I have a kind soul and that I'm going to make someone really happy. 26. If you were to talk about this year like a story, how would you write it?I don't know, I think I could turn my journals into a story to be written because this year has been a rollarcoaster of emotions and a shit show all in one. 27. How do you describe this year in 3 to 5 keywords?Insane, Outrageous, Wonderful, Loving, Amazing 28. What energised you? What drained you?What energized me was waking up between 3:30am and 5:00 am and getting ready to rise and grind and write down my goals and what I'm grateful for and watching at 5:30am the #RiseAndGrind Morning Show Live. What drained me was not sleeping with my CPAP Machine on at night and waking up feeling like crap but it is my own fault because I chose not to fall asleep with it on or I was too lazy to get up and put it on or the fact that I didn't take my medicine like I should have consisitently. 29. How kind were you to yourself?Not that kind, I was kind of hard on myself this year. And I blamed myself for a lot of situations that were not actually my fault. That's okay because 2021 will be different because I have learned a lot in 2020. 30. What advice would you give your last-year self?Don't make the same mistakes, make this year better, even better.
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